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1-5 DBCDA         6-10 CDBCB          11-15 CDBAC    
16-20 CGDAF     21-25 ADBCA        26-30 BCADA   
31-35 DBCAB     36-40 CDDBC
41-50 (One possible version)
41. higher                  42. accounted         43. who      
44. American            45. well                  46. changes
47. than                  48. to do                 49. but 
50. caused
短文改错(One possible version)
Last week, I was very happy because our class plan to have an activity.
All of us felt so exciting. We decided to gathering for a picnic in the park.
                         excited                               gather
They played some games. Those who lost the games ∧ punished in
 We                                                                               were
some interesting ways. When I got punished, I was asked to ask for a boy
to give me his cellphone number. I felt so embarrassed, and I finished the
task finally. We laughed so happy and we did so many things that we
hadn’t done before. We took plenty of picture in order to record an
                                                             pictures                           the
unforgettable moment. I wish we can have more class activities in the future.
书面表达(One possible version)     
High schools will change a lot with the development of science and technology in the future.
 For a start, learning materials of every subject will be turned into videos which, together with alternative resources, will be uploaded online in advance. Moreover, teachers will use computer facilities to monitor students’ learning progress and performance.
 In addition, students will learn at their own speed, participate in group discussion as well as do homework online at home. But they should attend school when there are activities, like sports meetings and school field trips.
 All in all, not only will high schools offer different kinds of materials to broaden students’ horizons, but students will learn in a more efficient way in the future.
1-5 CCCBC      6-10 BCCAA                 11-15 BACCB
16-20 (One possible version)
16. school           17. neighborhood          18. college       
19. weekend       20. JapanesecQT答案圈

学生双语报2018-2019年度47期 学生双语报2018-2019年40期答案 学生双语报2018-2019年X版九年级 学生双语报2018-2019年n版高一43期 学生双语报2018-2019年度58期 学生双语报2018-2019年X版八年级上 学生双语报2018-2019年N版高一44期 学生双语报20182019年度第四期w版七年级学生双语报2019高二rx
