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1-5 CDBCD           6-10 ADBDA            11-15 CBADD   
16-20 CAEDB                21-25 ADCBA        26-30 AABCC 
31-35 ADABD        36-40 AACCA
41-50 (One possible version)
41. wonders               42. importance             43. covers
44. Actually               45. largest       46. However 
47. which                  48. by                        49. will be destroyed                      50. to make
短文改错(One possible version)
Last Saturday, my friends and I decided to doing something special to
celebrate my sixteenth birthday. We planned to spend a night in the lakejAB答案圈

house where belongs to my grandma. There are five people in all. We
which/that                                                      were                                     
bought for some food and carried it to the house. After that, we ran to the
lake and took a boat, appreciate the clean water and the green trees.
I could hear bird singing in the mountain, which surprised me a lot so
                   birds                                     because
I rarely saw birds in the city. At that moment, I felt so closely to nature.
When the night came, they played some games in the house. We really
had ∧ good time that night, and it was such a good memory for me.
书面表达(One possible version)
Dear Nick,
 How are you doing? Since you’re a big fan of Chinese culture, I’m writing to invite you to attend the Chinese Opera Forum from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm on 18 May in People’s Theatre of our city.
 It absolutely is a great opportunity for you to know more about Chinese opera, a popular form of drama and musical theatre in China with a history of over a thousand years. In this forum, after you appreciate many wonderful performances by famous opera artists, a lecture will be given to introduce different types of local operas in China and their characteristics. Next, these artists will answer questions raised by the audience. I hope you can come with me.
 I’m looking forward to your coming.
Li Hua
1-5 CCBAB        6-10 AAACB              11-15 AABBC
16-20 (One possible version)
16. Reasons     17. fun              18. health
19. team         20. memoriesjAB答案圈

学生双语报2018-2019年度47期 学生双语报2018-2019年40期答案 学生双语报2018-2019年X版九年级 学生双语报2018-2019年n版高一43期 学生双语报2018-2019年度58期 学生双语报2018-2019年X版八年级上 学生双语报2018-2019年N版高一44期 学生双语报20182019年度第四期w版七年级高一双语学习报m版43期 双语学习报w版41期
